Monday, July 20, 2009

Be like Noah

Have you ever wanted to do something but it was just “too hard”? Try thinking of it like this. God told Noah to build a boat. Noah, who lived in a dessert, told God that he didn’t know the first thing about building a boat and that it would be too hard. God told Noah that he would give him everything he needs to build that boat. Remember that all Noah new was how to heard sheep. But Noah trusting in God went ahead and built that boat. It wasn’t a small toy boat or a paper boat or even a small raft. It was a big huge massive boat. So what did Noah accomplish once he trusted God? He saved the whole world and thanks to that we are here. Anything is possible as long as God is first! Just like Noah, ask and trust in God. So when it gets “too hard”. Remember to ……………………..BE LIKE NOAH!

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