Thursday, April 15, 2010

Did You Get My Message?……..

In this day of high speed this and lightning fast that. The day where a high school student can instantly Google information in the class room and know everything there is to know via there cell phone. We tend to allow our minds and souls get completely wrapped up in worldly worries and desires. Literally a “buzz” in the pocket instantly takes us away from what we are doing and we give our attentions to the wrong things or people.

So how hard do we look for God?

Proverbs 2:3-5 says: “and if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.”

What is the most important thing on your mind? I’m sure that for allot of us God popped up first. But for some of us other things such as boyfriend/girlfriend, school, work, money, lust, etc, etc……  The list can go on forever. After all our minds can hold on to allot. But it is true that what ever we have on our minds controls our lives. Jesus said it the best when He said that we can not have 2 masters. We can either serve God or not.

So how do we break this chain that controls our lives?

First of we have to be willing. It is scary. And believe it or not it is a minute to minute, hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and so on decision. This life that we live wrapped in this flesh that we fight is with us always. You here people talk about opening your minds to new things. Jesus told Judas that it isn’t the minds that need opening. But the hearts is where the change is.

1 John 1:9 says: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from unrighteousness.”

Life is hard. It is full of disappointment. It has fear at every corner. It shows us no mercy. But there is one in who’s promise we can find shelter. In who’s arms we can find comfort. He is the way to help us cleans our selves. We say, “I believe, but life gets harder.” Love does not come easy. He has a plan for us all. We influence not just those that are close to us. But also those that watch us. If you claim to be a Christian, that is the same as branding yourself. We are marked for life. The unbelievers and unfaithful will critique and ridicule everything we do. This is Satan working against us. If we give in, then we are still believers, but we are disgraced in the eyes of others. We are meant to set an example for all.

There comes a time when we will all get the pleasure of meeting our Lord and Savior face to face. What will you tell Him?

“Ummmm…..well you see…..what had happened was…….”

“I didn’t get the message…..”

“I never received the text….”

The truth is that we suffer with our hearts closed. We need to suffer with our hearts open. Open to the one who cleanses us. Open to the one who loves us. Open to the one who helps us. I of course am referring to Jesus the Christ.

Turn away from worldly desires and problems. Give them to Him. Open your hearts and allow Him to cleanse.



Give it all to Jesus. He will never turn His back on us. Please pray this prayer.

Dear Lord in Heaven, I am a sinner, I am flawed, I am weak, I am stubborn, and I pretend to know what’s best. But Lord I know that you take me as I am. Please open my heart and sit on the throne inside. Let me worship You above all things. Please give me the clean hands and the pure heart that only You can give. Lord I love you and I pray that you forgive me and take me into your arms. In the name of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ I pray……..Amen


  1. Thanks Ed this hits real hard. Christina Sides

  2. A very wise post. Heart felt, and teaming with wisdom. This is good "stuff".
