Saturday, August 8, 2009

Would You Say It Is Time To Move?

Would you say it is time to get up and move if you were sitting on the floor and found that you where sitting on an ant pile? Would you say that it was time to move if you were living in a house whose foundation was sinking? Would you say it was time to move if you were sitting in a stagnant pool and the water was just festering and dirty? I would be willing to bet that any of us would get up and not let those ants bite us, or let the roof come tumbling down upon our heads, or allow any disease to invade our bodies. So then why do we allow these things to happen to us in our spiritual lives and our walk with the Lord? He has told us that we are the church and Christ is the head. Not the brick and mortar that we sit in every Sunday. So why let all those little sins and all those opportunities nip at us and hurt us and not do something about it? So why let ourselves look down our noses at others and claim we are saved yet not go out and bring others to Jesus? I will tell you why. Because we are scared! We are scared that we will go up to someone and start a conversation about Jesus and be thought of as a “religious nut”, or that our friends will stop liking us because we are believers in Christ. Or even worst, we have grown so accustomed to our own religious routine that any deviation will cause total and utter discomfort in what we are doing. Well maybe we need to go ahead and step out of our comfort zone and into that place where Jesus dwells. Remember that He came down here and became poor and humbled so that we may be saved and not worry about roasting over those everlasting coals that waited for us otherwise. So why can’t we do the same for Him? You know the ones that always sit in the exact same pew never change, never sing, never say hallelujah or amen in service. They show up as if they were there to be served and not think twice about doing something in return. Ladies and gentlemen, I tell you right now. We owe our entire life and existence to Jesus Christ. So step out and move, for those that wait, won’t be too happy when Jesus looks into your heart and asks you what you have done for Him. We have our orders, we have been taught how to execute them, now let’s go and complete that commission given to us by our Teacher, Master, and Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid. Would you say it is time to move?

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