Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Twas The month Before Christmas….

Twas the month before Christmas*

*When all through our land,*

*Not a Christian was praying*

*Nor taking a stand.*

*See the PC Police had taken away,*

*The reason for Christmas – no one could say.*

*The children were told by their schools not to sing,*

*About Shepherds and Wise Men and Angels and things.*

*It might hurt people’s feelings, the teachers would say*

* December 25th is just a ‘ Holiday ‘.*

*Yet the shoppers were ready with cash, checks and credit*

*Pushing folks down to the floor just to get it!*

*CDs from Madonna, an X BOX, an I-pod*

*Something was changing, something quite odd! *

*Retailers promoted Ramadan and Kwanzaa*

*In hopes to sell books by Franken & Fonda.*

*As Targets were hanging their trees upside down*

* At Lowe’s the word Christmas – was no where to be found.*

*At K-Mart and Staples and Penny’s and Sears*

*You won’t hear the word Christmas; it won’t touch your ears.*

*Inclusive, sensitive, Di-ver-si-ty*

*Are words that were used to intimidate me.*

*Now Daschle, Now Darden, Now Sharpton, Wolf Blitzen*

*On Boxer, on Rather, on Kerry, on Clinton!*

*At the top of the Senate, there arose such a clatter*

*To eliminate Jesus, in all public matter.*

*And we spoke not a word, as they took away our faith*

* Forbidden to speak of salvation and grace*

*The true Gift of Christmas was exchanged and discarded*

*The reason for the season, stopped before it started.*

*So as you celebrate ‘Winter Break’ under your ‘Dream Tree’*

*Sipping your Starbucks, listen to me.*

*Choose your words carefully, choose what you say*

*Shout MERRY CHRISTMAS , not Happy Holiday!*

I can not take credit for this poem for this Christmas holiday. But I feel it shows a good picture as to the status of our faith in this country. In other countries, Christians are persecuted, beaten, and even killed for there faith. But here


we give ours away little by little and don’t even realize it. Take a stand and remember what the purpose of Christmas is. It is to celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  He came to the earth to live and suffer for you and me. So as you unwrap your presents and enjoy that family time, don’t forget to give thanks for the greatest gift of all. The life that was brought in just to die for us. I hope all of you have an amazing Christmas. May God bless each and every one of you. And may you resolute to make Jesus your focus from now on.  

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


Thursday, December 3, 2009

How Do You Beat Your Donkey?

In the book of Numbers we are introduced to a man by the name of Balaam. In the story of Balaam, he saddles up his donkey and takes off on a journey (Numbers 22:21) where the angel of the Lord puts Himself between them and there destination. This caused the donkey to steer off of the road and Balaam beat the animal back onto the road. A second time the angel of the Lord stands before them and causes the donkey to run into a wall and crush Balaam’s foot making him beat the donkey some more. A third time the angel of Lord blocked there path causing the donkey to just lay down. Needless to say Balaam began to beat her some more. Only this time the angel of the Lord allowed the donkey to speak and asked Balaam why has he beat her since he has always ridden her and never before she failed him. Only then was Balaam able to see the angel of the Lord and understand what was going on.

How can this apply to us today. Well, the bible is clear on how narrow the path is that keeps us righteous. The path in this story is our lives as we live them on a daily basis. The donkey is the vessel in which we navigate through our days. The angel of the Lord is Jesus and how He cares about us so much that He involves Himself in every aspect of our lives. When life is rough and the choices we are making aren’t working out the way we want them. It may just be the the angel of the Lord is causing our lives to be shifted along the path that He wants us on and so we don’t end up at a disastrous ending. It’s kind of like beating your face against a cement wall. Eventually the wall will win and you end up on the floor bleeding and still going a different balaams_donkeydirection.

I believe that this story is telling us in a very simple way that we should trust in the Lord with everything because He already knows everything especially what is good for us. To often we fight and try to “muscle” our way through the direction we want to go. Even if that means beating our donkeys, or ourselves, until total submission . If times are tough and things aren’t going the way we want them to. Then we need to step back, humble ourselves, and ask God what He wants us to do. Then trust Him and just do it. So ask yourself next time things are going rough. Am I just beating my donkey even though it is trying to do the right thing?

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Battle for The Lost…..

Have you ever lied? Have you ever stolen something? Have you ever used God’s name in vain? Have you ever lusted in your heart?

These are just a few of the questions that we must ask ourselves on a daily basis to help us keep our focus on the grand prize of Heaven. The great commission is very clear when Jesus tells us to go out and make disciples of nations. He wants us to go out and bring His people to Him. So why is it that people run to hell as if it were heaven, and run from heaven as it were hell it’s self? The greatest trick that the devil has ever pulled is making people believe that he does not exist. 2Timothy 2:4 says “No one serving as a soldier gets involved in civilian affairs—he wants to please his commanding officer.” By the simple fact that we believe that Jesus was here, we are automatically an enemy of Satan. And he will do everything in his power to destroy us or our testimony. When we accepted the grace and love from God, we gave ourselves to Him. By doing so, we admit that He is in charge. So why do we not do as we are told? You can tell a football player by the jersey he wears. You can tell a firefighter by the uniform he wears. How can you tell who is a Christian? By the Joy in there hearts and the desire to serve. True joy comes from serving. So how do we do this? There are three principles that are easy to follow.

Principle #1 Know Your Mission

In Matthew 28:18-20 He describes the mission in great detail.

The Great Commission
18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."


Principle #2 Know Your Weapons

· Do you read your bible every day?

This is the manual, the instruction book, the exact way on how live life and how to do things.

· Do you pray every day?

This is how we communicate with God.

· Do you have faith in God?

This is how we let God use us to do His work

Principle #3 Know Your Enemy

We have a 3 fold enemy: The world, the flesh, and the devil.

The way to deal with the devil and with the world is through the flesh. Our skin is what gets us in trouble because we can’t seem to think outside of it.

· Avoid temptation

Why put ourselves in a position that we know we are going to be tempted to do the wrong thing? That is where Satan wants us. So he can bombard us with all the sins of the flesh that separate us from God.

· Be in this world not of this world

We have to remember that we are on this planet for a temporary time. But the decisions we make directly effect our final destination. If you say your a Christian but hang out at adult entertainment bars, do you really think people are going to  believe you are saved? When you tell someone of Jesus and all He did for us, do not be afraid to also include hell in your talk. This does not mean to go out and start off by telling them to “turn or burn!” or anything like that. But we must tell them the truth. And the truth of the matter is that Jesus paid for our sins and has saved us from the lake of fire. All we have to do is accept that He did this for us and repent from our sins.

Ladies and gentlemen, do not be mistaken, we are in a battle for lost souls. Our mission is to go out and battle for them. Our bibles are our swords, our shields, and our war manuals. Carry them with pride and show others the way and the path to the Father through Jesus Christ.

I pray that you choose to take up your mission and that God puts in your path the challenges of fulfilling the great commission. I ask that the Lord bless, keep, and protect each and everyone of you….Amen.

Friday, November 6, 2009

If You Truly Love Me, Then Feed My Sheep

Do you love me? Three times Jesus, after rising again, asked the loaded question to His loyal protégé and three times Peter answered; "Yes, you know I do." I'm sure Peter's heart shivered each time his devotion was challenged. I can imagine his previous denial rocketed to the front of his thoughts each time the question echoed into the hollows of his soul, and now he had to convince Jesus of his love.

However, like most of us, Peter was missing the point. Jesus was not looking for affirmation from one of the ones he had chosen, nor was He even looking for answers. Jesus was looking for something that could not be expressed by words but rather had to be expressed through action. He said, "Feed my sheep." In other words if you truly love me do so by loving others.

The kingdom of God is not one of words, ritual, and observation but is one of action. God is raising an army to storm the formidable gates of Hell that exist in the streets of our cities, neighborhoods, schools, work, and homes. The rusty gates are effectively imprisoning the human race. The tragedy is that these gates are not a problem for God or His people. Because Jesus is Lord and He holds the keys to death, hell, and the grave, and He has given us the keys to His kingdom. You may be too weak to kick down the gates and carry them away as Samson did, and I admit so am I. However even a weak, sickly, and anemic child can put a key in lock and turn it. The trick is not strength but willingness.

They say God responds to the hungry, and I agree. Yet, hunger alone will not fill our stomachs. Someone has to prepare the food. Then we have to be willing to eat the food. That is why Jesus told Peter, "Then feed my sheep." Many of us are crying out loudly for more of God but fail to partake of what we already have been given.

So what is the next step? Arise and eat! And with this step comes a colossal challenge. Can we eat the bread of suffering as well as the meat of prosperity? Can we drink from the cup of crucifixion as well as the flask of feasting? We will find that no one gets fed until someone has eaten the bread of suffering and drank the cup of crucifixion. Once we have had fellowship in His suffering then we will be more content feeding others rather than being fed by others.

Jesus told his disciples of a meat they knew not of. He told them that His meat was to do the will and finish the work His Father had sent Him to do. The Kingdom is not for playing, but rather working. It is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit. It is a kingdom of doing and going, not watching and sitting. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. There are assigned steps but not assigned seats. There are good deeds that are there waiting for us to step into.

We sometimes act as if we have given more than Him. I personally believe there is more to God than any man has experienced and there is always more. However, I also believe that to receive more revelation we have to give more. Therefore we should not concern ourselves with how much God is giving us but rather our concern should be how much we can give to Him and His people.

The need of the hour is to go for the God who has given us life and to give Him to those who have not yet received. Lets empty ourselves of all our worship theology and realize Jesus cannot be loved through song alone. Sermons do not warm His heart. Raised hands cannot exalt Him. He says if you truly love me, then feed my sheep.

Monday, October 26, 2009

What Does It Mean to Repent?

It means to first acknowledge our sin before God, then to make the decision to turn away from that sin. Scripture is clear that those who are saved will have the desire to obey God, and will try to put to death their sin nature.

While we will always have sin, In our Christian lives we will grow and mature, and sin less and less as we learn to crucify our sin nature and to live a life pleasing to God. It is possible to do this, and to reach a level of maturity in faith where we learn to commit  less sin.

How do we do this? There are two keys. The first is 2 Corinthians 10:5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. This means not only our bad thoughts/temptation, but the thoughts we think of as good, our doctrines, our emotions, the words that others have spoken to us, and even the Word of God. It takes time to put this into practice, but He is the One who knows this new and living way, and only He can teach it to us. And we can only learn it from Him, for it is He who writes His law on our hearts.

The second part is praise and worship, which keeps the line of communication open between us and God. Our focus throughout the day should be on God, asking Him to guide us and praising Him quietly within, making music to Him in our hearts.praying250by165silhouette

Jesus said seek first the Kingdom of God. He did not say that there was something we should seek second or third. We should seek Him in all things, whether in our relationships, in our job, in our recreation, or any other thing. Just keep in mind that this is all a growing process. In the natural world, we are not born knowing everything and able to do everything that an adult knows and does. We must learn it as we grow and mature. The same is true spiritually. Now maturity can come much faster spiritually than naturally if we pay attention and put God's kingdom as the goal of our lives, but it is still a process - one which will continue until the day we finally see Jesus face to face. And what a glorious day that will be!

Just like my brother likes to quote and live by 1 Corinthians 10:31 says So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 

I pray that you find your self a great and God blessed week! And that you find your self in the word of the Lord!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Are You Sheep or Shepherd?

Paul tells us in Acts 20:28-31

28Keep watch over yourselves and all the flock of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God,which he bought with his own blood. 29I know that after I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock. 30Even from your own number men will arise and distort the truth in order to draw away disciples after them. 31So be on your guard!

It is easy these days to get side tracked and distracted from the main goal in our lives of worshiping God. We hear explanations for all sorts of sinful things. Whether it be drugs, steeling, homosexuality, the list can go on and on….We say “its only this one time.” Or “I’m not hurting anyone.” If we find ourselves giving justification for something to ourselves, then that should warn us that what we are doing or thinking is probably wrong.

The wolves that Paul is talking about can be seen as simple acts that on there own don’t hurt anything, but as they accumulate they separate us from the grace of God. So how do we know when we are being overtaken by these wolves? As I said earlier, we find ways to justify our actions to ourselves. We make up excuses for ourselves and for others. If someone wants you to do something that is un-Godly, then I have news for you. You might want to check out there teeth because that is a wolf! Unfortunately, there are people out there with the cunning and ability to pull the wool over our eyes. When we find ourselves in that bind of  all we have to do is turn around and God will be right there. There is someone or something in our lives this very day this very hour that has attempted or is attempting to bring us back and become of this world instead of just in it. Our skin makes decisions for our souls and that blinds us from the work that God has in store for us. There is someone or something in this world that maybe you have done something wrong to. Only God and you can answer those questions.

So what are you going to do? Sit back and let the wolves tear you and your fellow flock apart? Or Not worry about conforming to this world and stand for what is right even when it is hard? We live in a wolves den that is hungry for our souls. So ask your self, are you a sheep or a shepherd?

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Rebel With a Cause….

So we say that we want to be different, be individuals, we hate having to conform to the establishment, and we want to stick out. We wear the clothes that makes up part of who we are, we cut and color our hair to show that we are different from others, and we strive to be remembered as who we are. Well, I have news for you. We are doing what God wants us to do.

Romans 12:2 says “2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

We have all heard the term before of rebel with out a cause. It is something inside of us all that makes us want to make a difference and show it. This is part of what God has hard wired into us. He purposely tells us that we shouldn’t worry about what this world thinks of us or has in store for us. He wants us to stick out like a sore thumb. He wants us to stand up and show the world that we are different. So how do we do this? Simple, we put ourselves out there with our beliefs and our God in plain view for all to see. In a world that thrives on shock and awe, we must give it to them. If we can have radio personalities talking about sex and drugs in great detail on the radio so that is “in your face”. Than we can do the same. No one said that being a Christian was one of quiet demeanor. To be humble is not to be silent. Ladies and gentlemen being religious, or spiritual, or holy, or however you want to put it is not weakness. It takes courage to stand up and show who we really are in Christ. So I choose to stand up and be different. I choose to not just tell but show others just how different I am. I choose to do this because God wants me to. He wants all of us to. The day that comes when you leave this world and see Jesus, remember that your “friends” that thought bad things about you, talked about you, pointed and laughed at you because you are a proud Christian won’t be there standing next to you. There are no excuses and there is no reason not to do what we are  made to do. Be that rebel. Be a rebel for Christ!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

If There Was a Third Testament……

In the beginning the word was with God and the word was God. Somewhere along the line some people where led by God to write down in great detail about the heroes, profits, and bad guys and all there works whether good or bad. They predicted with out flaws the coming of Jesus strait down to the way He was born to the way He would die and then rise again. Fast forward a few thousand years and we have once again many who wrote by Gods direction about the heroes, villains, and people that Jesus interacted with and the things that were said about Him and to Him. Now fast forward a couple of thousand of years again and here we are in our modern lives, with our modern problems, and our modern way of thinking of things. But what happens when Jesus comes and all that has been foretold comes and goes. Now fast forward an uncertain number of years. And once again by Gods direction and inspiration, and possibly directly writing it, imagine that there was a third testament to the Holy bible. The question I pose is simple. If there was a third testament what would it say about you? I would say that would probably be a tough question to answer. Or would it? We are given very plain, very easy, very strait forward commandments to live by. We are told exactly what is expected of us. Our faith determines who we are in Christ. We already know that He gave everything for us. And we know that the day is coming when we will be with Him again. So if and when that next installment of the greatest book ever written is published, what will it say about you? Will we be heroes that stood up to others with courage in our hearts to openly live and breath as Christians? Will we be the villains that try to make it so that we gain over everyone else? Will we be the ones so wrapped up in our own salvation that we don’t love our fellow man unless we have something to gain? Or, will we learn from our history and our mistakes and step out of that comfort zone, forget what others think of us, and do whatever it is that God wants us to do? Either way, we don’t have to wait 2000 years for someone to read our story and be influenced by it. We don’t even have to wait until tomorrow. We can start right now. This very second there is someone out there that needs you whether we realize it or not. We don’t have to go around and try to make things better for someone by giving money or time. Yes those things are great. But when was the last time you asked someone what you can pray for them about? If we hesitate or wait for the right moment, it may never come. Or the end may come and then it will be to late. That time can be in a few years, months, days, or even minutes. We don’t know when that time is. Bring others to Christ by not only loving your neighbor with what is needed to survive here on earth, but also tend to there spiritual needs. When the body is long gone and wasted away, the spirit remains. They say that human spirit can overcome anything. Well, where did you get your spirit?  What will be said about you if there was a third testament?

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Broken Before the Lord….

Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone and all they did was talk talk talk and you couldn’t get a word in edge wise? Ever try to tell someone something important, but they just wouldn’t listen?  We as humans are opinionated, stubborn, and set in our ways. No one can tell us what to do. And if they do we will put our own interpretation on it. Now, think of how God must feel when we do these things to Him. People say that God doesn’t talk to us. That He has turned His back on us. I tell you that we as humans need to learn to shut our mouths and open our ears. God wants to talk to us. He speaks to us all the time. Moses could hear Him plain as day. Why? Well, there were no phones, TV’s, indoor plumbing, cars, and what ever else you can think of. Moses was out in the world away from distractions. He was completely open and able to hear God.

Another aspect to think of is our sheer desire to put us first. For us to feel the Father of all creation we must submit. Submitting may have to come at a price of raising your hands to heaven and telling God that you surrender. When you are broken you can live again. Brokeness is an attitude of the heart that is completely submitted before the Lord.  No stubbornness, resistance, or self-will is within the heart of a person that is completely broken before the Lord.  Jesus said unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and die, it would not bear fruit.  Do you find that you struggle with stubbornness towards God?

We should want to live broken lives before God.  We should volunteer to be broken and embrace it as an act of love from a holy and righteous God. If He breaks us, it is for our own good. We may take comfort in knowing that He will not damage the vessel beyond its ability to be restored. In other words, He won’t put anything on us that we can’t handle. Like Moses, we must let go of what we think we are in control of. We must open our hearts to him. We must close our mouths and open our ears.

Psalm 51:15-17

15 O Lord, open my lips,
       and my mouth will declare your praise.

16 You do not delight in sacrifice, or I would bring it;
       you do not take pleasure in burnt offerings.

17 My sacrifices, O God, is a broken spirit;
       a broken and contrite heart,
       O God, you will not despise.

Embrace us in your arms dear God so that we may be broken. May our old ways and self die and may we live for Him!


Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Love As I Have Loved You……

"A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."......Jesus (John 13:34-35)

Jesus tells us in to love one another as He has loved us. How much do you show love to those around you? How much do you care about those that are not very kind to you? What sacrifices are you making to help those around you? While all of the kindness, goodness, and joy are wonderful fruits of the Spirit, they are still not as great as love.

Having love like Jesus means growing a love for everyone. That is not always the simplest thing to do. People say mean things. They hurt us, and sometimes it is hard to keep our focus on love. Sometimes we are so hurt that we find it difficult to love anyone, not just those that hurt us. Other times messages get in the way of us loving ourselves, so it is hard to love others.

Still, having a love like Jesus' can be found in our hearts. Through prayer and effort we can find ourselves loving even the most difficult people. We don't have to like someone's actions to love them. Jesus did not like many of the things people around him were doing, but he still loved them. Remember, sin is an action done by a real live person. There is a saying, "hate the sin, not the sinner." We all sin, and Jesus loves us. Sometimes we need to look beyond the act at the person instead.

Lets challenge ourselves this week and focus our prayers on loving the unlovable. Think of people in your life that you have judged by actions, and ask God to help you look beyond the act. Ask God to open your heart to loving those around you as He loves you, and ask him to heal any hurts that keep you from loving others. For us to feel God’s love we have to be willing to be loved. For us to be loved we must love others. It is easy to love those that already love us. But greater is the reward to love those that hate us.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Prayer Does the Body Good….

How would you feel if your friends and family could hear every thought, every word, and every emotion and action you ever said or did? I would say we would be ashamed, embarrassed, couldn’t look any one in the eyes. We lust , steel, commit murder, and who knows what else we do in our minds on an almost hourly basis. Every day, of every month, of every year. Just think of all the times you have looked at that person you can’t stand, there very voice feels like nails going through your skull, and all we could think of is how much we hate that person and how we hope something was to happen to that person. We are all guilty of it. We all have sinned in our minds and hearts. Now remember this, there is one that does hear our thoughts, hears our words, and sees all of our actions. God knows us better than we know ourselves. I would venture to even say that He already knew what we are going to think, say, or do before we did. So if we are so flawed and so full of sin then why pray? I’ve heard to many times, “God already knows what I am thinking and what I want. So why pray?” This is why we need to pray. Inside of our infinite complex mind is the basic need to be forgiven and taken care of. This is something that God designed and put inside of us all.  I found an interesting fact from a doctor I used to see. His specialty was stress and what it does to the mind and body. Did you know that we as humans hold allot of stress in our posteriors? That's right lady’s and gentleman, our problems can literally be a pain in the --- well you get the idea. Why do we hold on to this in our lives? God has told us that He loves us. He knew what we were going to do before He even invented the stars in the sky. Have you ever just vented to a friend or loved one and felt almost instant relief when you got finished getting it off your chest? I have. So why not tell it to the absolute best friend we have? Tell it to God! It is a proven fact shown in a 2000 study at Duke University that constant prayer literally relieves stress and can give our bodies a health boost. Let us face the facts: we all have stress. It is the way we deal with stress that differs. The good news is that prayer for stress relief works! Prayer is that unique form of communication with God available to us all that, when used often and in accordance with God's will, brings us into alignment with God's viewpoint. Being in good alignment means that our whole being is put into its proper perspective and that means life is less stressful and we are better able to deal with the stress we do have. I have personally found on more than one occasion that if I ask God for internal peace and I talk to Him like I talk to my dad or my best friends, that He not only listens, but He lifts me up and sets me back on my feet. So I propose this, the next time your feeling stressed, stop and say a little prayer asking for internal peace and serenity. And tell Him what is on your mind.  So when we find ourselves stressed, and we actually talk to God and tell Him all the things on our hearts and in our minds. That guilt and those sins are lifted up to Him where He can deal with them for us. Just like any good father would want to do for there kids. Friends I pray that you find your way to pray through out the day when you drive, take a shower, as you lay in bed, or even just sit there and stare at the walls. I pray that God blesses each and everyone of you and that He grants all of us that internal peace that is so beautiful. With all my love….Go with God….Amen!!


Friday, September 11, 2009



On this day remember where you were 8 years ago. Remember who picked a fight with us. Remember those who have stood up to fight. Remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice in that fight that keeps the enemy off of our shores. ......May God bless the friends and families of the fire fighters, police officers, and service men and women that serve and have served during this period in time.

Isaiah 40:29-31 reads: 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak.  30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall;  31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.

Remember that the price of freedom is not free. Remember that the ultimate sacrifice given for your fellow man is the greatest thing one can do for another. Remember that all will come to Jesus and every knee will bend and every tongue proclaim that Jesus is lord. Remember and pray for thanksgiving and for forgiveness. Remember…….

Monday, September 7, 2009

How to Spend Quiet Time With God….


When was the last time you actually heard God talk to you? Today we have cell phones, cable TV, cars, girl/boy problems, sexual tension, peer pressure, drugs, work issues, and many others that I am sure we can come up with that distract us. So how do we cope with these things? One of the ways that I have seen from friends and have learned is finding time to spend with God quietly. Jesus gave us examples in the Gospels where He stepped away from the followers, the work, and even all the troubles that came with the ones trying to discredit and even kill Him; retreating to a quiet place to commune with His Father. These quiet times spent with God gave Him, and can give us, a chance to let go of all the problems in our lives. The way He did this had some very important elements in common.
Jesus understood the importance of truly knowing the Father. The elements of how to spend quiet time with God have three parts to it: The place is free of distractions, use of prayer and thanksgiving, and use of God’s Word.

  • An Area Free of Distraction – Each time Jesus wanted to spend time with His Father, He always retreated to a secluded area free from distractions. He could talk with God, and listen to Him as well. The same is true of us. Our quiet times with God should be in a place where we are alone with no TV or phone. It can be outside under a tree or even indoors in a room with nothing in it -- only God and us.
  • Prayer and Thanksgiving - Jesus’ prayers were not always for Himself, but for others. In our quiet time spent with God, we use Jesus’ example by offering prayers for others such as friends and those that hurt us; and thanksgiving to God for all that He has done for us. These prayers should also include a time of reflection, thinking of what we have received, how we can do good with it, and on how God has seen us through the good and bad times.
  • God’s Word - Just as our bodies need food to keep it going, we need to spend quality time with God to feed our souls. Jesus often quoted from God’s Word in His quiet times. Quiet time with God is also a time to read God’s Word and meditate on it. If we don’t understand a certain passage of Scripture, we can ask God to help us understand it. This is how God can speak to us and tells us what He wants us to do. It is through daily prayer and reading God’s Word that we will grow in our walk with God.

These are elements of spending quiet time alone with God. The importance is setting time aside each day to talk with God, because this is the best way to draw close to Him. We are flawed and just like little children we need our Father to take care of us and give us direction. When things are rough go and be quiet and alone with God. When things are good also go and spend time and thank God for what he is doing in our lives. This is how to spend some quiet time with God.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

When Things Go Wrong….

When it seems that things are piling up and you can’t seem to get a hold of the issues affecting your life. Ask yourself this. Have I made Satan mad? The reason I say this is because it seems to me that when our walk with Christ gets stronger, that pulls us away from the grip of the evil one. The more that God wins over the angrier he gets. So let’s look at it from the stand point of a victory. We are very much so in the realm of the devil. He has no direct power over us, but he can influence things in such a manner to entice, or otherwise trap us into his snare. We allow these things to dig in and set us off. It’s not the words that come out of our mouths, but our actions and the way we react to things that show our faith in God. So if life is starting to pile up and get in the way that is probably because in some way you have decided to give in more to God or even feel a stronger connection with Him. So what happens? Satan attacks and tries to over throw the way we react and the way we interact with day to day problems. Because if the devil can get others to see us lose our religion, why would they want to come and join the walk with God? And if they decide that the path with Him isn’t the right one, then Satan has won a battle and another soul pulled away from God. One of my favorite scriptures is Isaiah 40:29-31 were it says 29 He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. 30 Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; 31 but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

There is a story about an eagle which was chained to a perch for many years. One day a man came by and saw the eagle chained; his heart broke because he knew the eagle was created to fly and soar across the mountaintops. So the man purchased the eagle at a great price and took it home releasing it from the chains that had it bound. To his surprise the eagle remained on its perch, it did not realize or understand that it had been set free. There are times when hope seems to get lost in the midst of chaos. We feel inadequate and unable to change. Scripture says we will soar like an eagle, and we will not tire. While our hearts long to fly it would seem sometimes it is all we can do to walk. It is at those very times that we need to empty ourselves and allow God to fill our hearts and minds with His truth. The truth of who we are in Christ. Too often, we are just like the eagle. We have grown accustomed to our chains. We need to understand that in our own strength, we will fail, but if we will begin to view ourselves through the eyes and the ability of Christ, we will see that we are free to fly off the perch and soar as we were created to. I would like to offer up this prayer that I got off of someone else. But I believe it to be a good one and a powerful one if we pray it from our hearts. Please join me in breaking these chains and telling Satan to go back to where he came from.


God you are faithful and I trust in you. I do not want to be content to sit on the perch, I long to fly above the mountaintops. Help me to see myself through Your eyes and Your ability. Remind me that I have been purchased for a great price, my chains are gone and I am free to fly. Amen.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Christian Forgiveness

What is Christian forgiveness?

Defining Christian forgiveness is done with words and actions. The word “forgive” is a grace word in the English, as well as the Greek, meaning “to give or to grant.” The meaning is “to remit a debt, to give up resentment or claim for requital, or to pardon an offense.” Christian forgiveness also encompasses action. Our confession with God involves us seeing our sins as He sees it, bringing God’s forgiveness. When we sin against others, we sin against God. For this reason, we ask God to forgive us of our sins, but we must also forgive our fellow man.

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9 NIV).

What guides Christian forgiveness if an offender is not willing to repent, when the victim has done nothing wrong? The Lord commands us to forgive, releasing the offense and the offender to Him. This is done in prayer to the Lord. God recognizes these situations with this Scripture.

“Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19 NIV).

When we have been wronged, and know we did nothing to deserve harsh treatment from the offender, we normally begin to think of retaliation. Retaliation or revenge is not the right course of action. We no longer dwell on the offense when we relinquish forgiveness, allowing God to take care of the vengeance in a fair, just, and appropriate manner.

Steps to Christian Forgiveness

1. We recognize that we are sinners in need of forgiveness.
2. We make the choice to forgive others.
3. We believe and experience Christ’s loving forgiveness in our lives.
4. Christ helps us to overcome negative thoughts that are blocking our ability to forgive.
5. The Holy Spirit empowers us with the right attitude to forgive those who have hurt us.
6. Trust that God will judge all the wrongs in the world.
7. When struggling with forgiving others, talk with someone you respect and trust to give you wise counsel, such as your pastor or friend.

How does this apply to us?

Our anger, our desire for retribution, our need to be respected, and our vanity in our authorities tend to get in the way of our relationship with Jesus and with others. Whether family, friends, co-workers, acquaintances, or those who do us wrong; we must strive to be better than what we get. I know this is easier said than done. And I would be a hypocrite if I said that I could forgive everyone always. But I am reminded of that Amish village who forgave the man that showed up at their school and killed their children in cold blood. That takes a strong faith in our God and a strong belief that He will deal with all transgressions.

We are quick to ask for forgiveness, but giving forgiveness is the Godly thing to do. I pray that we all take a step back and a few deep breaths and learn how much more at peace and how much closer to God we can get when we learn to forgive. After all, joy is always better than despair.

Friday, August 21, 2009

The Dark Hall

How many times have you gotten up out of bed in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and stubbed your toe? The next thing you feel is intense pain and anger. Probably followed by a torrent, whether internal or external of profane words. It has happened to me numerous times. But more often than that we get up, walk out our bedroom doors, down the hall, and into the bathroom without turning on a light and probably have our eyes closed. This in itself could be a metaphor for how we live. We know that all deeds no matter how righteous are like filthy rags to the Lord. So we walk through life never turning on that light and just making our way through the normal obstacles in our way until that time when we stub our toes. These obstacles that we wander around take away little by little away from what really matters. And that is our connection with God. Our vanity and self love, our compassion for self first, our desire to think of us before others. We do things that draw attention to ourselves in order to be lifted up. Whether it is showing off or telling about our great exploits. We put ourselves up on that pedestal for all to see. Then once we are up there we rarely if at all give credit to the one that has given us the ability and talents to do such things. So how do we counter this trap that is so easily fallen into? First we must recognize what Timothy said in his second letter. “All Scripture is God –breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. We trust in the word of the Lord. We take what it says and apply it to our own lives. It is not the words that come out of our mouths but our actions that show the world our relationship with the Lord. And it is those actions that show whether or not others will see that following God is the only path to salvation. Our actions speak louder than our words ever will. I have had the privilege of God revealing to me just what it means to be in His presence when He uses the Holy Spirit to draw someone to Him. It is amazing how God plans everything. So the next time we are in the mode of self first, ask how can I turn what I am doing into something for the glory of God? Use this train of thought to turn on that light in that dark hallway so that we don’t stub our toes. Our time on this planet is limited. Only the Father knows when it is time to go home. Go out and make believers of nations. And just as Jesus did so should we, not just by our words. But by our actions.

Thursday, August 13, 2009


Before it’s too late think about what we do. Our emotions can bring us closer to someone, and just as quickly separate us from that same person. Anger in itself is not a sin. God is angry with the wicked, God was angry at Solomon, God was angry at Israel, Jesus was angry with the Pharisees. If you remember Jesus even flipped tables and yelled at those who were desecrating the house of the Father. It is what we do with this strong emotion of anger that determines who we are and what we do. James told us that we should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger; our anger separates us from the life that God desires for us. So let’s think of it this way, what does anger really get us? Headaches, lack of sleep, loss of friendship. It brings your inner self out and that isn’t always a good thing. Proverbs 17:9 (NIV) says “He who covers over an offense promotes love, but whoever repeats the matter separates close friends.” Anger and jealousy helped cause the first murder ever. Many times what our actions and what comes out of our mouths when we are angry are impossible to take back. If a friend makes us angry, then we should be grateful that we have a friend close enough to do just that. So what can we do? When angered walk away, take a breath, and let it go. But the most important thing that we can do is to ask for that person’s forgiveness and our own forgiveness in prayer to God. Remember the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When we mess up, cross God, make friends mad; we want to be forgiven right? So let’s live that example. Remember that God does get angry, but He also forgives. The fact that we are still on this planet is proof of that. How much better would the world be if we were to treat each other in this manner? How much better would our lives be if we were to make this one of our ways to live? So before it’s too late think about what we do.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Would You Say It Is Time To Move?

Would you say it is time to get up and move if you were sitting on the floor and found that you where sitting on an ant pile? Would you say that it was time to move if you were living in a house whose foundation was sinking? Would you say it was time to move if you were sitting in a stagnant pool and the water was just festering and dirty? I would be willing to bet that any of us would get up and not let those ants bite us, or let the roof come tumbling down upon our heads, or allow any disease to invade our bodies. So then why do we allow these things to happen to us in our spiritual lives and our walk with the Lord? He has told us that we are the church and Christ is the head. Not the brick and mortar that we sit in every Sunday. So why let all those little sins and all those opportunities nip at us and hurt us and not do something about it? So why let ourselves look down our noses at others and claim we are saved yet not go out and bring others to Jesus? I will tell you why. Because we are scared! We are scared that we will go up to someone and start a conversation about Jesus and be thought of as a “religious nut”, or that our friends will stop liking us because we are believers in Christ. Or even worst, we have grown so accustomed to our own religious routine that any deviation will cause total and utter discomfort in what we are doing. Well maybe we need to go ahead and step out of our comfort zone and into that place where Jesus dwells. Remember that He came down here and became poor and humbled so that we may be saved and not worry about roasting over those everlasting coals that waited for us otherwise. So why can’t we do the same for Him? You know the ones that always sit in the exact same pew never change, never sing, never say hallelujah or amen in service. They show up as if they were there to be served and not think twice about doing something in return. Ladies and gentlemen, I tell you right now. We owe our entire life and existence to Jesus Christ. So step out and move, for those that wait, won’t be too happy when Jesus looks into your heart and asks you what you have done for Him. We have our orders, we have been taught how to execute them, now let’s go and complete that commission given to us by our Teacher, Master, and Lord Jesus Christ. Don’t be afraid. Would you say it is time to move?

Saturday, August 1, 2009

When You Want to Make Something Stick You Glue It.

Today I wanted to share with you a video that I came accross from a preacher by the name of Louie Giglio. The video lasts 8 minutes and 43 seconds. Turn on your volume, maximize your screen, and sit back and enjoy. It's a bit sciencie at first. But I promise you, that you won't be dissapointed. You will get it about half way through. Just click the link and enjoy. God has always had a plan. Here is some more proof.......


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

We Are a Product of Our Environment

We are a product of our environment. The people we hang out with and interact, the schools we go to, and the jobs we have directly affect who we are and what we become. So knowing this we want our kids to grow up, make the right choices, don’t throw away their lives, don’t get pregnant, don’t do drugs, go to college, make a difference, and do great things. So why do we not give them the tools they need to do just that? We want our children to have morals, good manners, to not be push over’s, to set goals and achieve them, to be happy, to not hang out with the “wrong crowd” and be better than we were. So why do we not let them be in an environment that promotes such behavior? Did you know that there are 17 year old girls working as stripers in Rhode Island? Did you know that there are 5th and 6th graders having sex and doing drugs right here in Newport? Did you know that 50% of marriages end in divorce? Did you know that our kids are interacting with these influences on a daily basis? So why not have a positive influence in their lives? Now I ask you. If all these virtues of morality, good conduct, positive environment, and general accountability is something that comes with a church; then why not let them go? I would rather have a kid addicted to their bible instead of drugs. I would rather have a kid consumed by Jesus instead of their own children. We are a product of our environment! There is no denying this. So why not give them what they need? If you hold your children back from doing something good and positive in their lives, then you have failed your child. Unfortunately, they pay the price. Give them what they need.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart

“Thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.” A simple yet familiar statement that we hear every time we go to the local shopping Mecca where we and others expect not only that they have what we are looking for, but also that the customer service be exactly what we want it to be. Well, let me ask you this. As a Christian how do you help them? More specifically how do you serve our Lord? As I went to Wal-Mart the other day, I took a look around and I noticed that people tend to leave there shopping carts everywhere in the parking lot instead of returning them to the cart return shoot. We have gotten to the point where the most trivial things are not thought of. “It’s not my problem” allot of us say or don’t even think twice about. There is this rule that we try to live by when it suits us, but don’t think of it twice when it is something small to us. Do unto others as you would like it to be done unto you. Real simple, real easy to remember, yet when it comes to the small things we don’t even consider it. How about when we are done shopping, we actually return the cart back to the cart area in the store door way. This simple little service to others can make someone’s day. How about when you are going into the store and you see a couple of carts where they don’t belong, you grab them and take them in. You’re already headed that way. This simple act of compassion and love for your fellow man shows others that you are a Christian and follow what Jesus has wanted us to do. “Love one another as I have loved you.” I know Jesus didn’t have a Wal-Mart, but he did do the smallest most menial tasks for others. If our lord and king can do that, then we can surely bring some carts back to the store and make an example to others and help the guys who have to go out in all sorts of weather to get those carts so we can go shop. On your way out and you hear, “thank you for shopping at Wal-Mart.” You know that you did something for God and his children. I pray that we make the world a better place one shopping cart at a time.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Where Is Your Bible On Monday?

Where is your bible on Monday? Is it on the night stand collecting dust? Is it in the closet sitting in the dark? Is it on the coffee table so that everyone can see and think that you read it all the time? Or is it where it belongs? Right by your side at all times. I bet you if you where to leave your house you would make sure you had everything you needed. Ok, I have my keys, my wallet or purse, my cell phone, and my money. I’m set for the day. Are you really? God uses the living bible to speak to us. There isn’t an instant or event that happens to you that isn’t covered in the bible. If you had a manual to tell you how to raise your kids, wouldn’t you keep that with you? If you buy a new car, don’t you read your manual and keep it in the glove box for reference? If you buy a computer and have questions don’t you call customer service or technical support? So why take this life that was given to you and not read the manual? Remember that on the day of your judgment you stand alone. Your eternity has been decided by you. If you ask me, I want to know as much as I can about the God who created me. My bible is with me always! It is my manual, my instructions, my customer service, my technical support. I am not ashamed for this world is not permanent. Where is your bible on Monday?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sin is "No Big Deal"

It is funny that back in the 1800's if someone was to use God's name in any other manner except to praise that people would get offended, mad, and do something about it. But thanks to the invention of the TV Satan has won a major battle because sin has become common place. There is no shock factor because we have become desensitized to it. We can watch a movie where they show a rape, killing, cussing, and above all using the infamouse GD and it is no big deal. Our friends and those around us say GD with out hesitating as it was no big deal. Well, I ask you.....Is it no big deal? I mean who does it hurt? Well, it hurts you. God very clearly tells us that we should not use our Lords name in vain. Those include but are not limited to "I swear to .......; G......D.....; As G.... is my witness" and anything else you bring up God or Jesus in any manner other than to bring glory and praise to Him. Think of it this way. Your life is like a plain white peace of paper. Everytime you use God's name in vain you tear a peice off, everytime you lie you tear a peice off, everytime you commit a sin and say "it's no big deal." you tear a peice off. After a while what is left? You have torn your self to peices and have no purpose left except to be a pile of peices of paper that just get thrown away. We must not be affraid to correct those around us that swear with the Lord's name. We would be doing them a favor. The day is comming when we have to answer for our sins. Are we going to be a clean peice of paper or a pile of garbage? The choice is yours!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Be like Noah

Have you ever wanted to do something but it was just “too hard”? Try thinking of it like this. God told Noah to build a boat. Noah, who lived in a dessert, told God that he didn’t know the first thing about building a boat and that it would be too hard. God told Noah that he would give him everything he needs to build that boat. Remember that all Noah new was how to heard sheep. But Noah trusting in God went ahead and built that boat. It wasn’t a small toy boat or a paper boat or even a small raft. It was a big huge massive boat. So what did Noah accomplish once he trusted God? He saved the whole world and thanks to that we are here. Anything is possible as long as God is first! Just like Noah, ask and trust in God. So when it gets “too hard”. Remember to ……………………..BE LIKE NOAH!